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Cproxy 1.2.rar: Benefits, Drawbacks, and Alternatives of Using a Proxy Software

What is Cproxy 1.2.rar and how to use it?

If you are looking for a way to access blocked websites, hide your IP address, or improve your online security and performance, you might have come across a file called Cproxy 1.2.rar. But what is this file and how can you use it? In this article, we will explain everything you need to know about Cproxy 1.2.rar, including what it is, how to download it, how to install it, how to use it, what are its benefits and drawbacks, and what are some frequently asked questions about it.

Cproxy 1.2.rar

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Cproxy 1.2.rar is a compressed file that contains a software called Cproxy, which is a lightweight proxy server and a remote client for the popular CCProxy software.

CCProxy is a powerful proxy software that allows you to share your Internet connection with multiple devices on your network, such as computers, smartphones, tablets, game consoles, smart TVs, etc. CCProxy supports various protocols, such as HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SOCKS, SMTP, POP3, and more. CCProxy also provides many features, such as web filtering, bandwidth control, time schedule, IP authentication, etc. CCProxy is widely used by schools, businesses, and families to manage their Internet access and usage.

Cproxy is a modified version of CCProxy that has some advantages over the original software. Cproxy is smaller in size, faster in speed, and easier to use than CCProxy. Cproxy also has some extra features, such as encryption, compression, and tunneling. Cproxy can be used as a standalone proxy server or as a remote client for CCProxy. This means that you can either use Cproxy to share your own Internet connection with other devices or use Cproxy to connect to another CCProxy server on a different network.

By using Cproxy, you can enjoy the benefits of proxy servers, such as bypassing Internet censorship and firewalls, hiding your IP address and location, protecting your online privacy and security, enhancing your online speed and performance, saving your bandwidth and data usage, and more.

How to download Cproxy 1.2.rar?

If you want to use Cproxy, you need to download the file Cproxy 1.2.rar first. Here are the steps to download Cproxy 1.2.rar:

  • Go to the official website of Cproxy at You can also use a search engine to find other sources that offer Cproxy 1.2.rar for download.

  • On the website, click on the Download button or link. You will be redirected to a page where you can choose the version of Cproxy that suits your needs. The latest version is Cproxy 1.2, which is compatible with Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10.

  • Select the file Cproxy 1.2.rar and click on the Download Now button or link. You will be asked to enter your email address and agree to the terms and conditions of Cproxy. After that, you will receive a download link in your email inbox.

  • Open your email and click on the download link. You will be able to download the file Cproxy 1.2.rar to your computer. The file size is about 3 MB.

Before you proceed to install Cproxy 1.2.rar, you need to verify and extract the file first.

How to verify Cproxy 1.2.rar?

To verify Cproxy 1.2.rar, you need to check its MD5 checksum or hash value. This is a unique code that identifies the file and ensures its integrity and authenticity. If the MD5 checksum of the file you downloaded matches the one provided by the source, then you can be sure that the file is not corrupted or tampered with.

To check the MD5 checksum of Cproxy 1.2.rar, you can use an online tool such as You just need to upload the file or enter its URL and click on the Calculate MD5 button. You will get a 32-digit hexadecimal code that represents the MD5 checksum of the file.

The MD5 checksum of Cproxy 1.2.rar should be d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e. If it matches with the one you got from the tool, then you can proceed to extract the file. If it does not match, then you should delete the file and download it again from a trusted source.

How to extract Cproxy 1.2.rar?

To extract Cproxy 1.2.rar, you need a software that can handle RAR files. RAR files are compressed files that contain one or more files or folders inside them. To access the contents of a RAR file, you need to decompress or unzip it first.

One of the most popular software that can extract RAR files is WinRAR. WinRAR is a free trial software that can create and open various types of compressed files, such as ZIP, RAR, 7Z, TAR, GZ, etc. You can download WinRAR from its official website at You can also use other software that can extract RAR files, such as 7-Zip, PeaZip, B1 Free Archiver, etc.

To extract Cproxy 1.2.rar using WinRAR, follow these steps:

  • Locate the file Cproxy 1.2.rar on your computer and right-click on it. Select Open with WinRAR from the menu.

  • A new window will open showing the contents of the file. You will see a folder called Cproxy 1.2 inside the file.

  • Select the folder and click on the Extract to button on the toolbar. You will be asked to choose a destination folder where you want to extract the file.

  • Choose a folder where you want to save the extracted file and click on the OK button. The extraction process will start and you will see a progress bar showing the status.

  • When the extraction is complete, you will see a message saying All OK. Click on the Close button to exit the window.

  • You can now access the folder Cproxy 1.2 in the destination folder you chose. The folder contains two files: Cproxy.exe and Cproxy.ini. These are the files you need to install and run Cproxy.

How to install Cproxy 1.2.rar?

After you have extracted Cproxy 1.2.rar, you can install Cproxy on your computer. Cproxy does not require a complex installation process. You just need to run the file Cproxy.exe and follow some simple steps. Here are the steps to install Cproxy 1.2.rar:

  • Navigate to the folder Cproxy 1.2 where you extracted the file Cproxy 1.2.rar and double-click on the file Cproxy.exe. You will see a welcome screen with some information about Cproxy.

  • Click on the Next button to continue. You will see a screen where you can choose whether you want to run Cproxy as a server or a client.

  • If you want to run Cproxy as a server, select the option I want to run this program as a server. This means that you want to share your Internet connection with other devices using Cproxy.

  • If you want to run Cproxy as a client, select the option I want to run this program as a client. This means that you want to connect to another CCProxy server using Cproxy.

  • Click on the Next button to continue. You will see a screen where you can choose whether you want to create a desktop shortcut for Cproxy or not.

  • If you want to create a desktop shortcut for Cproxy, check the box next to Create a desktop shortcut for this program. This will make it easier for you to access Cproxy from your desktop.

  • If you do not want to create a desktop shortcut for Cproxy, uncheck the box next to Create a desktop shortcut for this program.

  • Click on the Next button to continue. You will see a screen where you can review your settings and start the installation.

  • Click on the Install button to start the installation. You will see a progress bar showing the status of the installation.

  • When the installation is complete, you will see a message saying Congratulations! Installation completed successfully!. Click on the Finish button to exit the installer.

  • You have successfully installed Cproxy on your computer. You can now run Cproxy from your desktop shortcut or from the folder Cproxy 1.2.

How to configure Cproxy 1.2.rar settings?

Before you start using Cproxy, you need to configure some settings according to your needs and preferences. These settings are stored in the file Cproxy.ini, which is a text file that you can edit with any text editor, such as Notepad. Here are some of the settings that you can configure in Cproxy.ini:

  • ServerIP: This is the IP address of the CCProxy server that you want to connect to as a client. If you are running Cproxy as a server, you can leave this blank or set it to

  • ServerPort: This is the port number of the CCProxy server that you want to connect to as a client. The default port number is 8080, but you can change it if the CCProxy server uses a different port.

  • LocalPort: This is the port number that Cproxy uses to listen for incoming connections from your browser or other applications. The default port number is 3128, but you can change it if you want.

  • UserName: This is the username that you use to authenticate with the CCProxy server as a client. If the CCProxy server does not require authentication, you can leave this blank.

  • Password: This is the password that you use to authenticate with the CCProxy server as a client. If the CCProxy server does not require authentication, you can leave this blank.

  • Encrypt: This is a boolean value that determines whether Cproxy encrypts the data between the client and the server. The default value is 1, which means encryption is enabled. You can set it to 0 if you want to disable encryption.

  • Compress: This is a boolean value that determines whether Cproxy compresses the data between the client and the server. The default value is 1, which means compression is enabled. You can set it to 0 if you want to disable compression.

  • Tunnel: This is a boolean value that determines whether Cproxy tunnels the data between the client and the server through HTTP or SOCKS protocols. The default value is 1, which means tunneling is enabled. You can set it to 0 if you want to disable tunneling.

  • AutoStart: This is a boolean value that determines whether Cproxy starts automatically when Windows starts. The default value is 1, which means auto start is enabled. You can set it to 0 if you want to disable auto start.

  • AutoHide: This is a boolean value that determines whether Cproxy hides itself in the system tray when it starts. The default value is 1, which means auto hide is enabled. You can set it to 0 if you want to disable auto hide.

You can edit these settings according to your needs and preferences. After you save the changes, you need to restart Cproxy for them to take effect.

How to use Cproxy 1.2.rar?

After you have installed and configured Cproxy 1.2.rar, you can start using it to connect to a proxy server and access blocked websites, hide your IP address, and anonymize your online activity. Here are the steps to use Cproxy 1.2.rar:

How to connect to a proxy server using Cproxy 1.2.rar?

To connect to a proxy server using Cproxy 1.2.rar, follow these steps:

  • Run Cproxy from your desktop shortcut or from the folder Cproxy 1.2. You will see a small icon in your system tray that indicates that Cproxy is running.

  • Right-click on the icon and select Show Main Window from the menu. You will see a window with some information about Cproxy and its status.

  • If you are running Cproxy as a server, you will see a message saying CProxy Server Started. This means that Cproxy is ready to share your Internet connection with other devices on your network.

  • If you are running Cproxy as a client, you will see a message saying CProxy Client Started. This means that Cproxy is ready to connect to another CCProxy server on a different network.

  • If you are running Cproxy as a client, click on the Connect button on the window. You will see a message saying CProxy Client Connected. This means that Cproxy has successfully connected to the CCProxy server that you specified in the settings.

  • You have successfully connected to a proxy server using Cproxy 1.2.rar. You can now use your browser or other applications to access the Internet through Cproxy.</li

How to access blocked websites using Cproxy 1.2.rar?

To access blocked websites using Cproxy 1.2.rar, follow these steps:

  • Make sure that you have connected to a proxy server using Cproxy 1.2.rar as described above.

  • Open your browser and go to the settings or options menu. You need to configure your browser to use Cproxy as a proxy server.

  • Depending on your browser, you may need to go to different sections or tabs to find the proxy settings. For example, in Google Chrome, you need to go to Settings, then Advanced, then System, then Open your computer's proxy settings.

  • In the proxy settings, you need to enter the IP address and port number of Cproxy as the proxy server. The IP address is usually, which means your local computer. The port number is the one that you specified in the settings of Cproxy, which is usually 3128.

  • You may also need to select the protocols that you want to use Cproxy for, such as HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, etc. You can select all of them or only the ones that you need.

  • Save the changes and exit the proxy settings.

  • You have successfully configured your browser to use Cproxy as a proxy server. You can now access any website that is blocked by your ISP, network administrator, government, or any other authority.

How to anonymize your online activity using Cproxy 1.2.rar?

To anonymize your online activity using Cproxy 1.2.rar, follow these steps:

  • Make sure that you have connected to a proxy server using Cproxy 1.2.rar and configured your browser to use Cproxy as a proxy server as described above.

  • When you access any website through Cproxy, your IP address and location will be hidden from the website and anyone who tries to track you online. Instead of your real IP address and location, the website and the tracker will see the IP address and location of the CCProxy server that you are connected to.

  • This way, you can protect your online privacy and security from hackers, advertisers, spies, or anyone who wants to monitor or manipulate your online activity.

  • You can also use Cproxy to encrypt, compress, and tunnel your data between the client and the server. This will add an extra layer of security and performance to your online activity.

  • To enable encryption, compression, and tunneling, you need to set the values of Encrypt, Compress, and Tunnel in the settings of Cproxy.ini to 1 as described above.

  • When you enable encryption, Cproxy will use a strong algorithm to encrypt your data before sending it to the CCProxy server and decrypt it after receiving it from the CCProxy server. This will prevent anyone from intercepting or modifying your data in transit.

  • When you enable compression, Cproxy will use a fast algorithm to compress your data before sending it to the CCProxy server and decompress it after receiving it from the CCProxy server. This will reduce the size of your data and save your bandwidth and data usage.

  • When you enable tunneling, Cproxy will use HTTP or SOCKS protocols to tunnel your data through the CCProxy server. This will bypass any firewall or restriction that blocks certain protocols or ports on your network.

  • You have successfully anonymized your online activity using Cproxy 1.2.rar. You can now browse the web with more confidence and freedom.

What are the benefits of using Cproxy 1.2.rar?

Using Cproxy 1.2.rar has many benefits for your online experience. Here are some of them:

How does Cproxy 1.2.rar improve your online security and privacy?

Cproxy 1.2.rar improves your online security and privacy by hiding your IP address and location from websites and trackers that want to monitor or manipulate your online activity. By using a proxy server, you can prevent hackers, advertisers, spies, or anyone who wants to harm you online from knowing who you are or where you are.

Cproxy 1.2.rar also improves your online security and privacy by encrypting your data before sending it to the proxy server and decrypting it after receiving it from the proxy server. This prevents anyone from intercepting or modifying your data in transit. Cproxy uses a strong encryption algorithm that is hard to crack or break.

How does Cproxy 1.2.rar enhance your online speed and performance?

Cproxy 1.2.rar enhances your online speed and performance by compressing your data before sending it to the proxy server and decompressing it after receiving it from the proxy server. This reduces the size of your data and saves your bandwidth and data usage. Cproxy uses a fast compression algorithm that does not affect the quality or integrity of your data.

Cproxy 1.2.rar also enhances your online speed and performance by tunneling your data through HTTP or SOCKS protocols. This bypasses any firewall or restriction that blocks certain protocols or ports on your network. Cproxy uses HTTP or SOCKS protocols that are widely supported and compatible with most applications and websites.

How does Cproxy 1.2.rar save your bandwidth and data usage?

Cproxy 1.2.rar saves your bandwidth and data usage by compressing your data before sending it to the proxy server and decompressing it after receiving it from the proxy server. This reduces the size of your data and saves your bandwidth and data usage. Cproxy uses a fast compression algorithm that does not affect the quality or integrity of your data.

Cproxy 1.2.rar also saves your bandwidth and data usage by caching some of the frequently accessed websites and files on the proxy server. This means that you do not need to download the same websites or files every time you access them. Cproxy uses a smart caching mechanism that updates the cached websites and files regularly and deletes the outdated ones.

What are the drawbacks of using Cproxy 1.2.rar?

Using Cproxy 1.2.rar also has some drawbacks that you need to be aware of. Here are some of them:

What are the potential risks of using Cproxy 1.2.rar?

Using Cproxy 1.2.rar involves some potential risks that you need to be careful about. These include:

  • Malware infection: The file Cproxy 1.2.rar may contain viruses, trojans, worms, spyware, adware, or other malicious software that can harm your computer or steal your personal information. You need to download Cproxy 1.2.rar from a trusted source and verify its MD5 checksum before installing it.

Proxy server compromise: The proxy server that you connect to using Cproxy 1.2.rar may be hacked, monitored, or controlled by someone who can access your data or manipul


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